Irish Coffee Recipe With Jameson And Baileys

irish coffee recipe jameson baileys
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Welcome to our Irish Coffee recipe article. We are excited to share this classic recipe with a twist that will surely warm up your nights. Our recipe features the perfect blend of Jameson Irish Whiskey and Baileys Irish Cream that will give you an unforgettable taste experience. This recipe is perfect for those who love coffee and whiskey, and it’s also a great way to impress your friends and family during social gatherings. So, let’s get started!


  • 1 cup of hot brewed coffee
  • 1 1/2 oz. of Jameson Irish Whiskey
  • 1 oz. of Baileys Irish Cream
  • 1 tsp. of brown sugar
  • Whipped cream for topping (optional)


  1. Pour hot coffee into a mug.
  2. Add brown sugar and stir until dissolved.
  3. Add Jameson Irish Whiskey and Baileys Irish Cream.
  4. Stir well.
  5. Top with whipped cream (optional).
  6. Enjoy!


Nutrient Amount per Serving
Calories 209
Total Fat 5g
Saturated Fat 3g
Cholesterol 19mg
Sodium 38mg
Total Carbohydrates 12g
Sugars 11g
Protein 1g


  • Q: Can I use other types of whiskey?
  • A: Yes, you can use other types of whiskey, but Jameson Irish Whiskey is recommended for this recipe.
  • Q: Can I use other types of cream?
  • A: Yes, you can use other types of cream, but Baileys Irish Cream is recommended for this recipe.
  • Q: Can I use other types of sugar?
  • A: Yes, you can use other types of sugar, but brown sugar is recommended for this recipe.
  • Q: Can I make this recipe without coffee?
  • A: No, coffee is an essential ingredient for this recipe.
  • Q: Do I need to use whipped cream?
  • A: No, whipped cream is optional, but it adds a nice touch to the recipe.
  • Q: Can I make this recipe in advance?
  • A: No, it’s best to make this recipe right before serving.
  • Q: Can I serve this recipe cold?
  • A: No, this recipe is best served hot.
  • Q: Can I add other ingredients?
  • A: Yes, you can add other ingredients, but it may alter the taste of the recipe.
  • Q: Can I double or triple the recipe?
  • A: Yes, you can double or triple the recipe, but make sure to adjust the measurements accordingly.


If you want to make the perfect Irish Coffee, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Use freshly brewed coffee. The quality of the coffee affects the taste of the recipe. Use high-quality coffee beans and grind them right before brewing.

2. Use a clear glass mug. The classic Irish Coffee is served in a clear glass mug to showcase the layers of the recipe. It also adds an elegant touch to the presentation.

3. Use a spoon to layer the ingredients. To achieve the classic layering effect of the Irish Coffee, use a spoon to pour the ingredients over the back of the spoon. This will help the ingredients to float on top of each other without mixing.

With these tips and our recipe, you can make the perfect Irish Coffee with Jameson and Baileys. Enjoy!

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